Logic Operators

Advanced Logic Operators and Multiple Rules

Setting up multiple rules for a single role allows for in depth NFT logic to be applied to your Discord roles. After setting up your first rule, adding another will prompt the use of a “Logic Operator”


  • Setting up roles using the “AND” logic operator allows you to stack rules, so that all criteria must be met in order to be assigned the role


At least 1 NFT from “x collection” with attribute “x”

“AND” At least 1 NFT from “x collection” with attribute “y”


  • Setting up roles using the “OR” logic operator allows you to set multiple rules for a single role, so that any criteria can be met in order to be assigned the role


At least 1 NFT from “x collection” with attribute “x”

“OR” At least 1 NFT from “y collection” with attribute “y”

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